More about settlement. We'll tour! First, Hong Kong and our own home town. What's the same and different about these places? (There are similarities of land use, honest!)
Then let's think about other locations. At this point, the cities, towns, and rural areas in Brazil.
We'll do a lot of talk this week. Make sure you write ideas down for your notes.
Also, ask the IT Expert about More Economically Developed Countries and Less Economically Developed Countries. He will have a good line on those.
A geographer might describe urban and rural land use in terms of zones. Here are links to follow with breakfast this week (alongside Cake Lady's Danish pastries, mama's fruit salad, and Ritter's helpful contribution to your delicious, reward-in-advance, home-made pain au chocolat): Definitions, Diagrams, More diagrams, Slideshow.
Lots of interesting links too, on this page of OpenGecko.
A student looks at zones between the city centre and rural/urban fringe. You will need to pause the animation to read the screens.
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