Monday, 24 October 2011

Population: what affects who lives where?

Quick video on population density here!

Look about the town where we live. Where is most densely populated? Where are the areas where fewer people live? What's the difference between these places?

Read this page. Read, in particular the section Factors affecting population density. The table breaks down these factors into physical and human.

Draw a map to show all the factors you can identify from this extract, plus anything else you can think of that might affect where people move and live.

Add captions as you go. For example, you might draw a city and label the city with information, such as 'high density population results from stable government, trade, jobs, health services, good transport'. A desert area on your map might be labelled 'extremes of physical landscape or extremes of temperature result in low density population'. Yes, they would look pretty good!

Try this game. I have no idea what it's like!

Visit this article. Let's talk about the population age/sex pyramid in the UK and the costs/benefits of migrancy.

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